As you might expect in a post-apocalyptic hellscape it’s been a trying time for our survivors. Carol‘s been murdering the sick because she doesn’t want to catch pig Aids and who can blame her? Pig zombie Aids looks awful. “Somebody had to” she tells Egg but he’s taking some convincing. After Darryl and co. don’t return Carol and Egg go on a supply run. They’ll need whatever medical supplies they can get their hands on to fight the epidemic. As they ransack an abandoned house for vitamin pills and Nytol they encounter a young couplescum and invite them to join them back in the prison. Couplescum are delighted and they agree to go on their own sweeps before joining their new community. Egg and Carol later find the chick zombiefied and minus a leg. It’s sad. But on the other hand fuck those redshirt teeds.
Carol’s been murdering the sick because she doesn’t want to catch pig Aids and who can blame her? Pig zombie Aids looks awful.
Back with Darryl and his brave gang of raiders D’Angelo Barksdale wants a drink really badly and for some reason this rubs everyone up the wrong way. D’Angelo Buzzkill. Tyreese is still hacking blindly at everyone and everything and, in a powerful Ivy League metaphor, nearly gets them all killed while cutting through some ivy at the college. They kill a bunch of walker students. Books just make you dumber.
In a powerful Ivy League metaphor, Tyreese nearly gets them all killed while cutting through some ivy at the college.
Carol and Egg have a Moral Maze turd joust over who lives, who dies, who’s the best killer and how she’s ever going to live back in the prison. It’s Egg’s strong opinion that she can’t. Tyreese will kill her when he finds out and the others won’t be crazy about it either. He banishes her because that’s the kind of pain in the ass he is. So Lizzie and Mika don’t have a mom any more. Again. Great work, “Rick”.
Carol drives away alone to cut down as many pig Aids patients as she can before the walker herd catch up with her.
As Sharon Van Etten’s Serpents plays Carol drives away alone to cut down as many pig Aids patients as she can before the walker herd catch up with her. Give it a couple of seasons and she’ll return as an avenging warlord and when she does it’ll serve Blandrew Stinkin right.
The verdict: Oh! Carol, I am but a fool. Darling I love you, though you killed those tools.
Marks out of 10: 7.5