We left Brian the Governor in a zombie pit clutching his surrogate daughter Megan gazing up at his previous oppo Martinez. Once he yanks him out of the pit Martinez tells Brian that he is the boss at his new camp and that there will be no Governoring from him thank you very much. Furthermore, ex-military type Mitch adds there is “no dead weight” so everyone will be pitching in. Mitch is played by Vasquez from Oz (Jose Hernandez Jr) and his nice guy brother Pete is played by Victor from Dollhouse (Enver Gjokaj). Reanimated corpses taking over the world I can buy. Vasquez and Victor having the same parents I cannot. Brian figures there are worse places to lie low for a while and agrees to the terms.
Reanimated corpses taking over the world I can buy. Vasquez and Victor having the same parents I cannot.
He immediately makes himself indispensable by accompanying them along on an expedition in the woods to find old some cunt’s house to raid it for supplies (pretty disappointed they didn’t get Glen involved just so they could do the old joke ). It’s amazing what you can find in the woods though. In this case they find a decapitated liar tied to a tree with a sign attached saying LIAR but they don’t really think anything of it. A little while later they find a decapitated rapist tied to an armchair with a sign attached saying RAPIST. Judge Judy woddyeloike? On the porch of the house they plan to raid there’s a dude with his skull caved in who has the sign MURDERER on him. Well, it takes one to know one.
On the porch of the house is a dude with his skull caved in who has the sign MURDERER on him. Well, it takes one to know one.
Mitch is unnerved by the weirdness and also by the newcomer in their midst. He keeps referring to the Governor as One-Eyed Bri but you can see the buds of a grudging respect when Brian acquits himself well in the inevitable zombie fight breaking into the house provokes.
Soon enough he has a window for some catch up time with Martinez who takes the Governor on the roof of one of the trailers with his golf clubs to improve his drive. It’s just like the old days. Martinez suggests maybe he and Brian could share leadership duties perhaps? No biggie, just a thought. “Could you pass me a 9 iron old boy what -what?” he asks. Brian responds by whacking him over the head with it and kicking him off the trailer roof. SUPPLIES!!! Bloody hell. No need for that.
“Could you pass me a 9 iron old boy what -what?” he asks. Brian responds by whacking him over the head with it and kicking him off the trailer roof. SUPPLIES!!!
He drags him over to the zombie pit screaming “I don’t want it!” and Martinez is all “a simple ‘no’ would suffice” but it’s too late. One-Eyed Bri has fed him to the zombies. Direct action trumps democracy again.
He drags him over to the zombie pit screaming “I don’t want it!” and Martinez is all “a simple ‘no’ would suffice” but it’s too late.
The community wakes up to the shock news of Martinez’s grisly end. There wasn’t much left of him and CSI Atlanta is on permanent hiatus so there’s no reason to suspect Brian. Nice guy Pete takes over leadership duties but Mitch suspects that his brother may lack the Genghis Khan frontier spirit necessary in a post-apocalyptic world. Pete refuses to rob a small camp they come across much to Mitch’s chagrin. When they pass the camp again every inhabitant is dead, throats freshly sliced, tents plundered and SUPPLIES!!! all vanished. They gave them a pass and they got fucked over anyway. Life, man.
Mitch suspects that his brother may lack the Genghis Khan frontier spirit necessary in a post-apocalyptic world.
After all this One-Eyed Bri really only has one option: stab nice guy Pete in the back, throttle him to death, make himself the boss of everything all over again. Well he’s changed his tune from a few hours ago. He tells Mitch he wasted his brother and Mitch is OK with that. Nice guy Pete was a pussy who was going to get them all killed anyway. One-Eyed Bri will do anything to see this community survive. He knows this brilliant prison that would be just perfect for them. He cases the joint and from his hidden vantage points a gun at Bitchonne, the woman who brought a Samurai sword to a gunfight.
The verdict: The art of gore.
Marks out of 10: 7.5