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Love Hate series 4 episode 4 review | Dead granny pissing

Love Hate series 4 episode 4 review

Channel 5

Previously on Love/Hate: fockin’ Fran got ‘is fockin’ teeth kicked in by fockin’ focker. Employee relations are neglected part of the bigger picture in Nidge‘s criminale familia and this week we see that this is quite the oversight. Anne-Marie the dental nurse who Andrewsacked for questioning his magnificence goes straight to the cops. Not on some sexual harassment, unfair dismissal, unsafe working conditions tip you understand. No, she is running her mouth about the shady characters going in and out of the place. Instead of telling her to get tae fuck as any real-life policeman would they inform Moynihan, she identifies Nidge and Fran and all of a sudden the brilliant dental scam, the one that would never be discovered, is discovered.

All of a sudden the brilliant dental scam, the one that would never be discovered, is discovered.

For now though Nidge has bigger things on his mind, notably the gruesome twosome coming to kill him at his home. He hides under the bed in the nursery like a big lass, holding a big sword in tribute to Bitchone from The Walking Dead. They piss off after a while leaving Nidge shook and Lizzie terribly frustrated. She takes it out on a motorist she brains with her massive tool. She then waits for the police to arrive. The perfect crime it’s not.

Lizzie is terribly frustrated. She takes it out on a motorist she brains with her massive tool.

Once he’s over the shock Nidge is a ball of fury and bids his men “find me that cat killer!” In a rare display of competence they track down Wayne and bundle him into an abandoned flat. Slaps, punches and some really hurtful things are thrown his way. He’s not talking so he is chucked into the boot of a car at which point cops break up the torture party. Would you mind explaining why you have an adolescent boy in the boot of your car?

Would you mind explaining why you have an adolescent boy in the boot of your car?

But young Wayne won’t give them up. Just a group of pals having a laugh he says to the Guards. Nidge is impressed. This young man has balls. “Come back if you grow a bleeding brain” he tells the teen psycho. He does. Not grow a brain obviously – he’s from Dublin. But now it seems that Wayne is rolling with Team Nidge. How quickly alliances change.

“Come back if you grow a bleeding brain” he tells the teen psycho. He does. Not grow a brain obviously – he’s from Dublin.

In the frankly baffling Fran assassination subplot our gummy friend decides that the best way to avenge his missing teeth is to exhume the corpse of Noely Hughes‘ mammy, stick her in an armchair waiting for his return from prison. Surprise! When it comes down to it he just pisses on her corpse. He’s a softy at heart.

When it comes down to it he just pisses on her corpse. He’s a softy at heart.

The boys do the dummy run of the lidocaine smuggling and Moynihan’s crew surveil them during it. It looks bad for them but not quite as bad as it looks for Dano who gets kneecapped by his own people, presumably for the attempt on Nidge’s life. He bleeds to death like a cunt in the woods and with Lizzie shortly to be doing 7 billion years for being a twat the vengeance of his rapey dad Git Loughman dies with him.

The verdict: Oh Dano booooooy, the pipes the pipes are calling. You sucked hairy ass and Nidgey killed your paaaaaaaaaaa.

Marks out of 10: 7.5

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