Perhaps to find a suitable backdrop for Blandrew Stinkin‘s yokel accent The Walking Dead roots its fourth season down on the farm. Rick raises pigs to slaughter, tends to crops and chews a redneck straw as he surveys his kingdom at the West Georgia Correctional Facility. Their numbers swelled by the surviving Woodbury shitizens the Walking Alive have a pretty neat set-up even if they are besieged daily by fence rattling goons. They seem to be focusing on one particularly weak section of fencing – some primal gimp instinct to seek out the vulnerable perhaps? Or is it more likely the mysterious figure inside the prison grounds we see feeding them live rats at night encouraging them? Isn’t prison just an expensive way of making bad people worse?
Perhaps to find a suitable backdrop for Blandrew Stinkin’s yokel accent The Walking Dead roots its fourth season down on the farm.
Having succumbed to the lethal strain of flu going around Patrick turns walker and chomps on a few schmoes and all of a sudden the prison has itself a walker outbreak. A serious amount of carnage later and Rick realises that his smelly pigs are the likely host of the infection. He wistfully feeds his herd to the walkers who go as crazy for warm raw pork as you might expect.
Tyreese is pounding some new pumpum Karen who you may remember from escaping The Governor‘s massacre by hiding under a pile of dead bodies. Say what you like about Karen, she’s a survivor. She doesn’t have to worry about a thing even though she’s got the pig flu AIDS – people like her always find a way to pull through. She and the other pig AIDS patients are rightly quarantined as a precaution, however – on death row which sounds ominous but it’s just a name.
Say what you like about Karen, she’s a survivor. She doesn’t have to worry about a thing even though she’s got the pig flu AIDS
Yeah, just a name – a DEADLY name. When Tyreese visits Karen in quarantine he discovers a trail of blood leading to the yard outside where he finds her still-smoking charred corpse. Is it still safe to fuck? Nope. Aw, man – it’s just not his day. Who went and burned Tyreese’s only chance of pussy for the next 5 years? Some survivor she turned out to be. What kind of prison is this anyway? Truly the living envy the dead.
The verdict: Scared straight.
Marks out of 10: 7.5