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The Walking Dead series 4 episode 5 review

The Walking Dead series 4 episode 7 review


We’re about a third of the way through The Walking Dead‘s fourth season and the big news is that pig AIDS is still fucking with everyone. Even Dr. S is bleeding from the eyes and, much like his vision, things are looking bad. Glans looks more like shit than ever before and he was no fucking oil painting to begin with. There’s a zombie cluster at a weak point in the fence and Maggie fights a losing battle poking them one by one in the eye. As Hitler found out, when you’re fighting a war on two fronts you can get awfully stretched – stretched like a chain-link fence that’s being pressured by the dead weight of 300 gibbering goons.

With flu victims dropping like flies it’s inevitable that there’s a reanimated corpse outbreak in quarantine. Hershel has to drop a few of them including dead Dr. S. Maggie busts into quarantine to get to Glans who she finds on the very verge of death but hopalong Hershel heroically wrestles an IV bag off a patient turned zombie and then intubates the shit out of that tiny Asian meaning he can squirt phlegm through his eyes for a few hours longer.

Hopalong Hershel heroically wrestles an IV bag off a patient turned zombie and then intubates the shit out of that tiny Asian

Back at the fence Karl helps Egg with buttressing work but it’s to no avail. The fence gives way and the zombie cluster bursts through. Clusterfuck! They load up on machine guns and lay waste to the herd leaving them a bloody mess of twitching body parts. The distinct feeling prevails that this will never end. It’ll be just one siege after another.

They load up on machine guns and lay waste to the herd leaving them a bloody mess of twitching body parts.

It gets worse. As the episode closes a mysterious figure watching the prison is revealed. Only it’s not so mysterious now we can see him. It’s only the fricking Governor. I bet it was him feeding the undead live mice through the fence. He’s the Governor of Bad Things and he’s back for a second term. If you thought the end of the world was bad wait until you see what comes after.

The verdict: H-Dogg and Maggie G had to intubate.

Marks out of 10: 7.5

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