Because that’s how it works apparently. There’s dues ex machina to solve your unresolved script problems and then there’s a God swan diving into a machine to solve them. It all reminded me of The Gift the (flawed but infinitely superior) Buffy season 5 finale.Datak Tarr really pisses me off in this show. Possibly because he’s a brazen cock but most likely because Tony Curran is miscast. I last saw him as Vincent van Gogh in the nause tsunami that was the Richard Curtis Doctor Poo episode but I will mainly remember him as Lenny the handyman who ended up banging Tanita Tikaram‘s brother on This Life. I don’t really buy him as a threatening anything, much like when they get Leonardo DiCapreteen to play a tough guy. Not having it. He’s Mayor of Defiance now which I can totally buy. No dark charisma required or delivered. Chalky faced twat. But the meat of the show’s finale is focused on Irisa and the keys buried in her body that control the Kaziri ship buried underneath the McCawley mines. Wouldn’t the Earth Republic just love that superweapon charged monster? Well of course they would but using the power of spinal tendril plasm things Irisa tells them to get tae fuck. She’s such a character.
In the ensuring melee Nolan is shot dead but it’s not fatal or anything. Irisa just gets her dip in down to the mines to have a cool conversation with Irzu (because they are buds now) who tells her to “become” (become what – less annoying?) The upshot is she swan dives into the Kaziri to kickstart it and thus bring Nolan back to life.
Stahma killed the hooker to placate Tard, dropping an implicit Mags Bennett from Justified shout out in the process. Stahma just loves – how do you humans say? – those gritty Fx blue-collar smalltown dramas.
What else? Datak Tard killed an Earth Republic guy who totally had it coming but is probably going to jail for it anyway. Stahma killed the hooker to placate Tard, dropping an implicit Mags Bennett from Justified shout out in the process. Stahma just loves – how do you earthlings say? – those gritty Fx blue-collar smalltown dramas.
So what do I do with you then, Defiance? What’s been a pretty decent first season has been spoiled by the forays into speculative mysticism. All that Irzu Devouring Mother, the destroying angel of death, Queen of Hearts shit really needs to be taken elsewhere. The Earth Republic may take over Defiance in this finale but Irisa is apparently God now so they probably get the dick from her in season 2. I can hardly wait.
The verdict: Another girl, another planet.
Marks out of 10: 7